North-Western Mediterranean Sea PSSA
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The layer represents the extent of the Particularly Sensitive Sea Area of the Northern-Western Mediterranean Sea, as designated by the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the IHO with the resolution MEPC.380(80) adopted on 7 July 2023.

The PSSA encompasses the existing Spanish "Mediterranean Cetacean Migration Corridor" and the Pelagos Sanctuary.

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Vector Data
Nature and species conservation sites & protected areas
Nature and species conservation sites & protected areas
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Access use and contraints defined by EEA here (https://sdi.eea.europa.eu/catalogue/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/a60e171d-e2a8-4dc5-a765-c2bdabbdbce6) applies, in particular the disclaimer "This map serves as a working tool only and shall not be considered as an official or legally-binding map representing marine borders in accordance with international laws. This map shall be used without prejudice to the agreements that will be concluded between Member States or between Member States and non-EU states in respect of their marine borders.".

Data Quality

The layer has been created starting from the dataset "MSFD regions and subregions - version 2, Oct. 2022" (available from the EEA geospatial data catalogue https://sdi.eea.europa.eu/catalogue/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/a60e171d-e2a8-4dc5-a765-c2bdabbdbce6) and the geographical coordinates contained in the document "Designation of the North-Western Mediterranean Sea as a particularly seansitive sea area",  Annex 20 of the
resolution MEPC.380(80)
(adopted on 7 July 2023), and described also here: https://www.marineregulations.news/mepc-380-80-designation-of-the-north-western-mediterranean-sea-as-a-particularly-sensitive-sea-area/

Supplemental Information

No information provided

Spatial Representation Type
vector data is used to represent geographic data

Layer WMS GetCapabilities document

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